BOP enables clients to achieve their cultural and creative potential by designing new strategic approaches and policies. Creating a shared vision lies at the heart of our approach so this is the keystone of any plan or strategy.
We work at all levels, from local creative organisations or clusters, to regeneration agencies, and Mayors, to regional and national governments. We work in many ways: through commissions and enquiries, stakeholder consultations, advice to ministers and mayors, comparative policy analysis, advice on legislation, exchange and knowledge platforms.
Our Approach
Our approach is always rooted firmly in evidence and an understanding of the dynamics of a particular place or organisation. For this we draw on our depth of knowledge and experience in research and evaluation. In many cases strategy and policy design follow on from work we have done to demonstrate the potential of culture and creativity to local stakeholders.
The next step in the process is to bring stakeholders together and to align them around a set of common objectives. This is an ongoing and iterative process.
Our mantra is ‘Ask not what others can do for culture, ask what culture can do for others.’ In other words, the best way to galvanise stakeholders and unlock investment is to embed culture and creativity into broader plans for sustainable growth and development.
This process of alignment is even more important in the post-COVID age, where climate action and social justice are now at the forefront of many planning and investment decisions.
Strategy and Policy Design
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Museums and Galleries, Economic Development, Arts, Heritage, Festivals, Digital, Intellectual Property, Design, Film & TV, Skills, Entrepreneurship, Creative Industries, Funding, Education, Audiences, Video games, Theatres, Museums
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Helping you to achieve your cultural and creative potential through shared visions, strategic plans and new policies
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Chief Economist Jonathan Todd reflects on the cultural sector’s role in new government ambitions.
Culture and Creativity: Changing Britain for the Better
Jonathan Todd
Jul 10, 2024
Summit in West Kowloon District sends message of international collaboration.
International Cultural Summit Hong Kong
Marianna Lemus-Boskovitch
Apr 3, 2024
Co-founder Paul Owens joined by regional panel to discuss the Gulf’s rapidly growing sector and exciting possibilities for international collaboration.
BEYOND Conference, Ambition and Transformation: Emerging Creative R&D Practice in the Gulf
Callum Lee
Nov 22, 2023
How are major cities around the world responding to climate change through cultural policies and programmes?
The Green World Cities of Tomorrow: Culture and Sustainability
Paul Owens
Nov 4, 2021
A global research and consulting practice for culture and the creative economy