Paul Owens is a leading international advisor and practitioner in cultural policy and creative economy. He is Co-Founder of BOP, and alongside his fellow directors he has pioneered now well-established methods to measure the impact of cultural policy.
Co-Founder and Director
Paul Owens
Callum leads the BOP team, its portfolio and strategic partnerships. His cultural and creative industries expertise is grounded in his work for major clients in the UK, Europe and Middle East.
Managing Director
Callum Lee
Richard Naylor is a world leading expert in research methodologies for the culture and the creative industries, having been an early innovator in the development of frameworks for measuring the economic and social impacts of cultural activities.
Director, Research
Richard Naylor
Rachel is an Associate Director at BOP. She leads our Strategy and Planning work, assisting clients in realising transformative initiatives, executing capital projects, and shaping destinations.
Associate Director
Rachel Kuhn
Jonathan is an economist with over a decade’s experience in impact assessment and evaluation, and high-level policy experience, particularly within the cultural and creative sectors.
Chief Economist
Jonathan Todd
Bethany is an experienced consultant, who has worked for a range of national and international clients over the past ten years. Her main focus is designing and implementing research and evaluation projects.
Senior Consultant
Bethany Lewis
Rhiannon is an experienced consultant who has spent the last decade working in multiple roles across the cultural and higher education sectors, joining BOP in 2020.
Senior Consultant
Rhiannon Davies
Martha has over 15 years' experience working the culture and creative sector, with a particular focus on international cultural policy making, cultural events and planning.
Senior Consultant
Martha Pym
David has over 25 years-experience in developing and delivering visitor experience within some of the UK’s leading commercial and cultural organisations.
Senior Consultant
David Hingley BEM
Laura has over 20 years of experience across the cultural sector as a consultant, producer, researcher and creative artist.
Senior Consultant
Laura Caldow
Lizzie is a specialist in research, policy and evaluation in the creative industries delivering projects across BOP's international portfolio.
Senior Consultant
Lizzie Parker
Norbert is a Senior Strategist with over a decade of experience in data analysis, product development and experience design.
Senior Data Insights Strategist
Norbert Boron
Genevieve has a background in cultural policy including urban policy and cultural relations, and in operational planning, capacity building and development - with a depth of international experience.
Genevieve Marciniak
Poppy is an experienced social researcher and consultant working from London across BOP’s global portfolio of projects.
Poppy Lawrence Carr
Isabelle specialises in the development of estate strategies, capital projects and placemaking experiences in the UK and internationally. She has published widely on topics around the built environment.
Isabelle Taylor
Bianca is an experienced consultant, with experience in the public and private sector.
Bianca Corriette
Yasmeen is a multidisciplinary consultant working across an international portfolio of strategy, research, and evaluation projects.
Yasmeen Safaie
Yuhan is an experienced researcher with a focus on quantitative methods. Her work covers economic impact assessment and cultural sector mapping in the UK and internationally.
Senior Researcher (Quant)
Yuhan Ji
Shereen is a specialist researcher and statistical analyst with a background in Social Psychology, Epidemiology, and Marketing.
Specialist Researcher (Arabic & Quant)
Shereen El-Ladki
Teodora is a skilled mixed-method senior researcher with experience in the UK, European and Romanian cultural sectors.
Senior Researcher
Teodora Lazar
Nora is a mixed-method researcher with a background in theoretical and applied linguistic research.
Nora Ruzsiczky
Emily is an interdisciplinary researcher with a background in ethics and social welfare.
Emily Taplin
Based in London, Will leads our core business functions, enabling BOP’s high performing consultancy team.
Chief Operating Officer
Will Hawkins
Based in London, Rebecca oversees BOP's communication strategy and implementation across all media channels.
Communications Manager
Rebecca Davison-Mora
Based in London, Tomomi coordinates business operations, activities and internal communications at BOP's London office.
Office Coordinator
Tomomi Tomlin
Paul Kirkman has 25 years top level experience in public policy and cultural sector leadership.
Associate Director
Paul Kirkman
Dr. Marina Guo is a cultural entrepreneur, researcher & strategist based in Shanghai and Toronto. She is the Associate Director of London based BOP Consulting.
Associate Director
Marina Guo
Barbara is an Associate Director at BOP with expertise in broadcasting and in a wide spectrum of the arts and creative industries.
Associate Director
Barbara McKissack
Jo is a highly experienced consultant, specialising in arts, culture and the creative economy. On leaving the Arts Council in 1991 she worked independently before establishing BOP in 1997 with Paul.
Co-Founder and Senior Associate
Josephine Burns
David Adam is an economic development, soft power and international relations specialist, with experience in strategy development and implementation for global cities including London, Moscow, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Mumbai.
Senior Associate
David Adam
Jan Runge is a senior consultant with 20 years’ experience working with cultural sector organisations, creative businesses and government agencies across the European Union and internationally.
Senior Associate
Jan Runge
Caroline is the Director of Achates, the cultural sector strategy and fundraising consultancy she founded in 2014. Since its creation, Achates has worked with more than 500 arts organisations helping them to build their resilience with integrity.
Senior Associate
Caroline McCormick
Donald is an urbanist working across culture, architecture, heritage, business districts, food markets and museums. He advances the regeneration, reinvention, economic and social development of cities and communities.
Senior Associate
Donald Hyslop
Tom Campbell is a Senior Associate of BOP. Tom currently leads our work on World Cities and works on a range of innovation and cultural master planning projects.
Senior Associate
Tom Campbell
Marianna is a researcher with extensive experience across evaluation techniques developed across the charity and private sector.
Marianna Lemus-Boskovitch
Alex leads BOP’s consulting operations in Taiwan, working with our clients there: the Ministry of Culture, the Taipei City Government and the Taiwan Land Development Corporation, among others.
Alex Tang
Rossella has 10 years of experience working across the cultural and creative industries.
Rossella Traverso
Anupam is an established global expert and trusted adviser with a particular focus on cities, communities and entrepreneurs.
Anupam Yog
Ulrike is a research and evaluation specialist with 15 years of experience of working with arts and cultural organisations in the UK and internationally.
Ulrike Chouguley
John Howkins is an internationally renowned consultant and thinker on creativity. John was chairman of BOP Consulting from 2007 to 2011.
John Howkins
Summer’s work focuses on place branding and cultural exchange in an international context.
Summer Fu
Meet our team
Our team include some of the leading experts in the field, supported by a set of multi-skilled and client-focused consultants.
A global research and consulting practice for culture and the creative economy